Saturday, 20 March 2010

Short Film Festival

One of the reasons why I am so busy in March, is because of the short film festival where I am working 4 days in a row (12.30 pm - 1.00 am)
Yesterday I was wearing one of my own shirts and a visitor saw it and complimented me on it. I told her it was my won shirt and she wanted the address to my blog. :-)

So if you are here now, welcome!

In between doing stuff I was able to visit the three animation blocks of the festival.

So to keep you entertained till I start the story back up, here are the trailers of my 3 favourite animation short films of the festival.

1: Love this story and the cute characters!

2: Fabulous mix of all kinds of 2D animation!

3. This one already won an Oscar

Okay, need to get to the arthouse now.. I feel totally broken and we are only halfway. A masseuse on standby would not be a luxury I think.. ;-)

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Dutch birthday invitation cartoon

A little interlude to pass the time till I can start the cartoon story back up. This is a cartoon I did this week for my birthday invitation. Unfortunately it's in Dutch...

Monday, 8 March 2010


I seem to have lost my momentum... Can someone give me a new push to pick the pace back up?

Or shall I make a new start (not with the story, but with my motivation) in April? I am kinda terribly busy until then..

How about I will start up a new NaNo in April at half speed? So that means 1 page a day.

What do you guys think? Do I still have readers, or have I alienated all of you by slowing down to an almost stand-still?

I really really really want to finish this story (and then colour it, edit it and publish it).