Monday, 25 April 2011

Painting my Lizzie

I painted her because I missed her so much now she has been out to stay with Uncle Sef for a week and a half to get hitched to a new little furry friend (and no: not to have babies, but because I recently learned bunnies shouldn't live alone)

The introductions went smoothly and since two night they have been sharing a cage so she may already be coming home with her new beau tomorrow night :)

This is the new beau, still thinking up a name for him

And this is the couple getting used to eachother:


And finally sharing a cage together:


With a little luck they may be coming home tomorrow night already! So then I will have TWO little bunny friends as my room mates :)


  1. So cute!!
    They really are adorable (and you can really draw well)

    - Marianne

  2. zo schattig!
    Geen enkel dier zou alleen moeten leven, zelfs katten (die in het wild toch niet in groep leven) hebben wel eens nood aan gezelschap terwijl de mensen aan het werk/op school zijn. Goed dat je een maatje voor Lizzie hebt gevonden :)
    En wat een prachtig schilderij! Je kan echt goed tekenen

  3. Thanks you guys! It is the first creative thing I have done in months. It feels good to have created something new though. :-)

    Today the bunnies came home. Lizzie is attacking her new boyfriend whenever I try to pet him though.. I think it still needs time for everyone to adjust to the new situation.

    By the way I named him Ziggie! :)
