Sunday 3 January 2010


Oh and I can understand why you guys stopped commenting the past week, but I can luckily see in Picasa that even my former years x-mas card-toons have been viewed 30 times or so, so I know you are still here (thank you!)
So it would be really great if you can find the time to comment on the new cartoon pages again. Thanks in advance!


  1. Definitely still here!
    I enjoyed the card-toons a lot, especially the one about the photoshoot. Have tried the same with one of my cats & a X-mas hat, but they refused to pose again;)
    This year our senior was on the cards, with the same reason you had to put Zoë on yours: Puschkin is 18+ and we're grateful he's still with us. Kind of a tribute.

    Anyway, putting your progress here is much nicer when there's interaction! I'll find the time!

  2. Fabulous, thank you Xamantha!!! xxx
    And what an age for a cat! Hope he will be with you many more x-masses if his health will allow it.
