Thursday 22 July 2010

My Bunny Has Been Stolen!!!

So I decided to take the small female bunny from the lop breeder and emailed her last week. I planned to have her neutered when she was 6 months old and then find a neutered male bunny for a buddy.

But today the breeder emailed me back that there was a break-in in her yard last week and they took all the baby bunnies out of the cages and closed the cages again (so no way that they escaped themselves!) And they probably also took two of the baby bunnies: the little underdeveloped male bunny her 4 year old daughter wanted to keep and that still needed to feed with the mother and the little female loppy I had picked out.
They cannot have escaped out of the garden because that has been made completely bunny proof (her own pet-bunny always walks around in the garden loose as well).

I can have the other female loppy from this nest but I am really worried what happened to the two stolen bunnies.

A friend of mine wondered of the story was really true or if she just had already sold the female loppy, so I called the breeder on the phone and we talked for 15 minutes and I could tell the story really wasn't made up.

So this little bunny had been stolen!!!!:

So this little bunny will be my new loppy instead:

The breeder has called pet centres to ask them if the bunnies had been offered to them and if they would keep a eye open (they had not been tattooed yet, but the colour is quite rare) and her next door neighbour and best friend has a hair-salon where she will ask around a lot. If a clients next door neighbours suddenly have two sallander coloured loppy babies they might warn the salon, so we all hope this will work..

I don't mind that I get the other bunny, but I really hope the first bunny will get a good home as well. But we will probably never know.. :`-(


  1. Jee, wat een verhaal zeg. Wie steelt er nou in godsnaam konijntjes? Het zal vast wel goedkomen met die twee, maar het is toch eigenlijk van de zotte...
    Gelukkig kun je nog wel een bunny krijgen, ziet er snoezig uit.


  2. Dankje, Ron. Ik vind het echt heel erg...

  3. Als je dit soort dingen hoort, dan vraag je je serieus af hoe het kan dat er zulke idioten op de wereld rondlopen.
    Arme konijntjes, hopelijk worden ze nog teruggevonden en wordt die halve zool opgepakt.
    Veel plezier met je nieuwe konijntje :-) Heb je al een naam bedacht?


    p.s. Je strip blijft leuk :-D Wacht geduldig op de volgende pagina.

  4. Dankjewel Nancy, lief van je en fijn om te horen dat je nog trouw meeleest! :-)
    Ik heb al heel lang een naam, maar vandaag bedacht ik een andere die beter bij dit konijntje past. Maar ik durf hem pas te 'geven' als ze ook echt hier is.. nu nog iemand vinden die mij een lift kan geven om haar op te gaan halen!
