Monday, 30 November 2009

Page 41

Page 40

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Page 39

Page 38

Saturday, 28 November 2009

I won!!

I did 55 pages, so I made it to my target amount (50) and today I finally decided to validate before I forget.

So I got the link to the winners goodies page where I got my winner web badge:

The story is not done yet though, so I am going to try and draw as much as I still can in November, because there is a very good chance I will completely stop once it's December (7 years of NaNo experience) so I am hoping to get the ending on paper before Tuesday...

Page 37

Friday, 27 November 2009

Page 36


Page 35

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Page 34

Page 33

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Page 32

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Page 31

Monday, 23 November 2009

Page 30

I was able to edit 6 more pages before the write-in this afternoon :-)

Page 29

(so it depends on how much time/motivation I can find for more editing this week to keep posting... :-\ )

A link again so the thumbnail wont spoil the plot change...

Page 28

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Page 27

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Page 26

Friday, 20 November 2009

page 25

Page 24

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Page 23

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

page 22

Page 21

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Page 20

Rewriting history...

(I feel like Tarantino now, yeah! :-D)

Page 19

Monday, 16 November 2009

Page 18

"I love furniture"

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Page 17 (the 4-legged version)

1....2... BURP!

Thanks for your comments! :-)

Page 16

(Is someone still reading this?)

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Page 15

Only like... 8 pages behind today... :-\

Friday, 13 November 2009

Page 14

I fell a little bit behind the past few days, because I didn't feel well and I have mostly been in bed, but you are supposed to fall behind in week 2, so I hope the cartooning will get better soon.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Page 13

Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Page 11

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Page 10

"I don't think we are in Kansas anymore Toto.." *

* The Wizard of Oz

Sunday, 8 November 2009

page 8

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Page 7


The HAFF was great! But I only did one page in pencil that day and I am so tired today that I haven't done anything yet..

I did see this fabulous animation on procrastination on the HAFF and I found it online. So this is what I have been doing today instead of cartooning..

Friday, 6 November 2009

Page 6

I will be at the Holland Animation Film Festival all day tomorrow (today actually, hehe) so no updates then. So this is page 6 to help you through the day ;-)

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Page 5

page 4

page 3

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Page 2

Page 1

Day 4.. plan to post the whole cartoon story!

Today was a better day. I made it to 6 pages , but that was my goal for yesterday. I am almost done with page 7 though. And a big part from page 8 will probably be one big picture.

I have made an important decision though. I don't want to post bits and pieces on this blog. It's too hard to choose which bits and to explain what they mean in the story. So I am just going post the whole cartoon!

(hopefully some readers are now doing a happy dance.. ? *grin*)

I will post a page as soon as it's done. 'Done' means 'scanned and all the frames put in the right order'. That does mean I may not post every single day, because I don't scan every day, but at least you can read the whole story, eventhough it is only still in the rough draft version.

Good plan?

Oh and it really helps for my motivation if you comment. Even if it's just one word like 'cool!'. That way I know it's being read (and hopefully liked). So if you can spare the time every now and then, it would really help me through this project!
Thanks in advance! xxx

Bad day

Today, or actually yesterday by now, was not a good day.
The write-in was exhausting.

(write-in= a get together of wrimo's that bring laptops to write on their NaNo novels together somewhere)
(wrimo = nanowrimo participant)

We had (yet another) irritating wrimo showing up and that just drained the energy out of me. All these irritating ones seem to be able to do is constantly ask for attention in some annoying way. And this new one seems to have a whole new set of problems, among which a painfully obvious lack of personal hygiene...

And the other wrimo that ruined my write-in's for the previous 3 years is now twittering everyone that we denied him access.. while all my fellow write-in organiser tried to do was to get him away from our write-in by offering him the chance to organise his own write-in in the same city. Something he has been wanting to do for years, but we were already organising one. But the amount of people showing up is large enough to spread over several write-ins now.

But instead of grabbing that chance, he is now playing the victim and trying to put people up against us and I have had enough NaNo shit already.

He was something special though. After the very first write-in with this guy, I set up a list of rules for him about how to (not) behave during write-ins. Among which were rules like: 'Do not kick other wrimo's under the table. Do not stick a camera in people's faces to make video's of them after they made it very clear to you they don't want that. Do not read your sex scenes out loud in the cafe. Do not talk about what sordid sex scenes you are still planning to write. If you have to name the women in your sex scenes after the female wrimo's at the write-in, at least don't tell them about it. Etc..

And he never kicked anyone or brought a camera again. But he never stopped any of the other annoying behaviour. Like the other annoying wrimo's I have met he had this constant need for attention. While the whole idea is to be quiet a large amount of the time so people can write. But people like him yell their wordcount every 3 minutes, talk about their own project the whole time eventhough people are clearly not interested, make their project sound briliant but put other people down the whole time. They do not listen to others but cut off their stories by starting to tell one of their own. And they constantly start reading from their own work (which actually sucks big time). And they are not able to shut their traps for more than 20 seconds. They even talk through word-wars.

(word-war: a set amount of time - for instance 15 minutes - where everyone tries to write as fast as they can to get the highest amount of words within that time frame. Utter silence is indispensible)

So we did get ridd of this one irritating wrimo, but other write-in organisers are already emialing me to ask me if we are really denying people acces to our write-ins, so that has now proven to be causing more problems than it was worth.
While it didn't even help one bit, because a whole a new wrimo showed up that is at least as irritating and that is also chasing other wrimo's away with a very penetrating body odour.

It drained me so much I felt tired and down the whole day... so I only drew a little under 1 page today, instead of two.
Hope tomorrow is a better day.

I am really doubtful about keeping up these write-ins though.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

November 2 and 3..

a little late.. so two at a time

You can also see the difference here in working directly on the PC (I have a Bamboo tablet) or drawing on paper first... :-\

Monday, 2 November 2009

Cartoon book and merchandise

Okay, so my first cartoon book with the cartoons-of-the-day I did for the Dutch forum in 2007 and 2008 can be found here:

Because the postage &packaging to Holland are quite steep though, I also sell them from my home. So if you are in The Netherlands, it's cheaper to buy them through me. 12,15 including P&P.
I just sold out my last bulk order, but I did a new one yesterday, so that should be here in a week.

For those who have already bought a book, through me of the site, you can also follow that link to rate my book. If you like my book, I would appreciate some positive ratings, because they help me stand out on the Lulu site more :-)

I also made a little Cafepress shop with some of my NaNo cartoons on T-shirts, mugs and other items. I am still updating the 'inspirational places' design (so wait with buying anything with that design for a few days) but the other designs are all ready.

You can find my shop here:

I post updates about the commercial stuff in a thread in the NaNo marketing forum here:

For wrimo's: I appreciate reply's because they bump the thread and make it look more interesting for other wrimo's :-)

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Okay it's November, so I started with my cartoon. Here is the beginning: